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Patches of the North-West Border District of the Federal Border Service of Russia

Office of the Border troops of the North-West Border District of the Federal Border Service of Russia Patch. St. Petersburg

Office of the Border troops of the North-West Border District of the Federal Border Service of Russia Patch. St. Petersburg

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00001 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 5 th of a Separate Border Patrol of the North-West Frontier District of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Sosnovy Bor

Patch of the 5 th of a Separate Border Patrol of the North-West Frontier District of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Sosnovy Bor

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00002 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 6 th Separate Border Squadron "Gdynskiy" of the North-West Border District of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Pskov

Patch of the 6 th Separate Border Squadron "Gdynskiy" of the North-West Border District of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Pskov

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00003 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 8 th of a Separate Border Patrol of the North-West Border District of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Pytalovo.

Patch of the 8 th of a Separate Border Patrol of the North-West Border District of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Pytalovo.

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00004 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Нарукавный знак 11-го отдельного пограничного отряда Северно-западного пограничного округа ФПС России. г.Ямбург

Нарукавный знак 11-го отдельного пограничного отряда Северно-западного пограничного округа ФПС России. г.Ямбург

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00005 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 72nd separates quadron of the North-West Frontier District of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Kalevala

Patch of the 72nd separates quadron of the North-West Frontier District of the Federal Border Service of Russia. Kalevala

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00006 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 73rd individual border detachment of the North-West Frontier District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Reboly

Patch of the 73rd individual border detachment of the North-West Frontier District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Reboly

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00007 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 80th Separate Border Squadro of the North-West Border District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Suoyarvi

Patch of the 80th Separate Border Squadro of the North-West Border District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Suoyarvi

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00008 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 102-nd Separate Border Squadron of the North-West Border District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Vyborg

Patch of the 102-nd Separate Border Squadron of the North-West Border District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Vyborg

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00009 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 517-th Separate Border Squadron of the North-West Border District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Petrozavodsk

Patch of the 517-th Separate Border Squadron of the North-West Border District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Petrozavodsk

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00010 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 13th Training Squad of the North-West Frontier District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Sosnovy Bor

Patch of the 13th Training Squad of the North-West Frontier District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia. Sosnovy Bor

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00011 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 39 th Engineering Construction Battalion of the North-West Border District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia

Patch of the 39 th Engineering Construction Battalion of the North-West Border District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00012 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 40 th Engineering Construction Battalion Nordic-West Frontier District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia

Patch of the 40 th Engineering Construction Battalion Nordic-West Frontier District Federal Border Guard Service of Russia

ID: RU-PTBSZ-00013 作成者: Sergiy Kumalagov


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